About Scottie

About Scottie

Scottie is our cute daughter who had the idea of starting her own makeup line hear her story!

I am Scottie, and I don’t know about you, but I LOVE makeup. I first discovered makeup when watching my mom get ready one morning and I had to get in on the fun.

So, in 6-year-old fashion, I waited until she was gone and snuck back into her bathroom and let the fun begin.  All the colors and sparkle were amazing, but of course my mom wasn’t fooled when she took her makeup out the next day and noticed all the fun I had... Sorry, not sorry!

Of course, I was told not to play in her makeup, so I decided she can’t have all the fun and I shouted out “I want my own makeup too!”  and that is how Simply Scottie Makeup got started.

I wanted to create makeup for little girls so we could play and giggle and have fun with our friends.  Pretend we were princesses and put fairy dust on our face.  

Being able to experience playful fun and adventure is what I hope this makeup will provide for all the girls that use it.

I hope you will laugh, giggle, and play, and feel like the real-life princess you are every time you use it.



P.S. Simply Scottie is a cruelty-free product.

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